Many of us fail to make hummus, which passes as edible, never mind enjoyable – and in my household, we have struggled with numerous awful, bland and bizarre batches for years.
This is the golden recipe right here, and I hope you enjoy it too. These quantities are enough for a family of four and make a good bowl full, so if you’re the only one interested in eating it I would suggest halving the ingredients.
I am also a garlic fiend and like what many would consider to be an unreasonable amount in most things. If you’re not so keen, knock off two cloves.
Stuff to get
- 2 cans of chickpeas
- 1/2 a cup (small mug) olive oil
- 4 tablespoons lemon juice (freshly squeezed – half a lemon = around a tablespoon)
- 4 teaspoons ground cumin
- 2 teaspoons ground black pepper *
- 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon asafoetida powder
- 6 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
- a good blender
* I find its nicer and more aromatic if you grind peppercorns yourself. If you can find a peppercorn grinder hanging around your kitchen – make use of it!
Drain the chickpeas but save the water, you can add it to amend the consistency if it’s too thick.
Throw it all in and BLEND IT. Goes without saying, if you like thin hummus then blend longer, if you prefer chunky then knock time off.
You can add things to give it an extra dimension, and can be a little more creative than supermarkets: try mint, paprika, pesto, pimento, coriander, all sorts of herbs and vegetables.
Eat with anything: raw veg, toast, rye bread, crisps, salad. You might even find you want to scoop it out of the bowl with your bare hands.
[Keywords: cooking culture, food, houmous, hummus, kitchen, party recipe, snack, vegetarian, tips to make houmous, how to make hummus]