Michael Cera Just Released A Surprise Indie Folk Album ‘True That’

Michael Cera, best known for his roles in Arrested Development, Juno, Superbad, and, of course, his hilarious cameo in This is the End, has just released an 18-track album on Bandcamp called True That, which is (surprisingly?) good. 

Cera’s close mate and Superbad co-star, Jonah Hill, announced the album release via Twitter. Hill posted, “My great friend Michael Cera [is] not only is a brilliant actor, he also makes great music.” 

The album features a swathe of instrumental tracks and a few with Cera’s hushed voice layered over the top. Listen to True That below.


[bandcamp width=100% height=82 album=2238310566 size=big bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]

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