Musings on the Origin of Nature: Transarquitetonica by Henrique Oliveira.

Brazilian artist Henrique Oliveira has come up with his new artwork called Transarquitetonica. Like his previous works, the installation was built from ‘tapumes’, which reference the wooden construction fences seen in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. He uses this flexible material to make the man-made cave system look like a set of roots from the outside. This work recreates the feeling of walking through a system of gigantic, hollow roots and immerses its viewers by letting them explore its wooden chambers and become lost within the cavernous  interior.

“It’s wood that has been taken from nature, has been cut down into geometric structures, and they have been used by society and discharged. And I take it back and I rebuild forms there again, creating true nature forms. It’s bringing back the tree aspects to the material,” explained the artist. “It’s not just an object, it’s an experience.”

Transarquitetonica will be on display at the Museu de Arte Contemporanea da Universidade in Sao Paulo through the end of November 2014. If you happen to be in Brazil for Word-Cup-related activities or otherwise, do visit it.


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